Monday, 11 November 2013


Hi everyone just thought id update you on babies that will be coming to ebay this weekend 17th November 2013 . I have been extremely busy with custom orders but after a long wait for some of you have in progress an AA baby from Pat Moultons AMBER kit and she has been well worth  the wait .... I am still undecided as to her hair  Newmoore barn have some BEAUTIFUL afro hair at the moment and im undecided as i was going to paint her hair ...Comments ideas are always welcome .I will as always give you first glimpse on youtube and links are everywhere ...

NEWS as most of you know my Face Book and Blogger pages are Silicone Babies Uk I now have a new WEBSITE Dedicated to just the reborns i am working on and selling Here you will find links to EBAY and my contact info 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Recently i have been asked by Beginner artists if i am worried about so many new artists coming on the scene ...My answer is NO . To become a Reborn Artist you need patience and alot of it ,you need to be passionate about your art, you need an awful lot of knowledge not just about art,colours,mediums,theories and practice BUT also a good understanding of the anatomy especially Babies and children . So many artists have come and gone in the 5 years i have been reborning and i see the same thing over and over where a beginner will get criticized and Give up ,I personally think in this business you need a thick skin as not everyone is going to like your style but as long as you remain consistent keep a positive attitude and maintain a high standard there is no reason for you to give up. 

The Reborn artists that stand out from the crowd each have a signature ,a certain quality that has reborn and doll collectors and artists alike saying WOW how do they do that ,They know it works for them so they are forever improving ,I believe you never stop learning and once you are comfortable with your work you can start experimenting, In fact a few of my mistakes have lead me to discover a new technique .

DEDICATION ~ I am 100% dedicated to what i do ,Each morning as soon as the sun comes up i am in my studio i have a lunch break and dinner break then i am back to painting until it gets dark ,I absolutely must work in daylight as it is the most truthful when it comes to detail .

FLEXIBILITY~ Reborn artists need a certain flexibility when it comes to ethnicity and a Truly Great artist will be able to create All nationalities to a high standard .    

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Charlotte Sculpted By Simon Laurens ON EBAY NOW

It is with great pleasure i introduce you to my latest Reborn From SBUK artist AMY WILSON .
She is now named Lily Anna and is Beautifully Reborn from the SOLD OUT CHARLOTTE Doll Kit Sculpted By Famous Artist Simon Laurens .
Little lily Anna is to date my absolute favourite baby , and she was an absolute joy to Bring to life ,she is currently on ebay waiting for a new mum But it is going to be hard to let her go ....
I hope you enjoy some of her pictures.....
Sleeping Beauty

Ultra Micro Rooted Hair

Skin Texture

New Baby Colouring 

capillaries and veining

So truly Real Feel 

Perfect 20 inches and 5lb 3oz 

Beautiful light eyelashes

Full Limbs